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Quality and Independence two words that sum up the history and current philosophy of the Pedder Johnson Group of Companies. Started by the pioneering Pedder Group in the mid 1950s. H & R Johnson was the first and the largest, major manufacturer of ceramic tiles in India. 

Thus underlining the quest for quality and independence from reliance on imports. Another group company, Fordham Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. did the same with enameled cisterns and other sanitary fittings. A Premium was always placed on QUALITY and INDEPENDENCE.

The Pedder Johnson Group is now proud to introduce another pioneering line of products made by  Fordham Consultancy Pvt. Ltd and branded as “PEDDER JOHNSON”. A range that will help to improve the quality of life for those members of society, such as senior Citizens and those members and those who are physically challenged, who find the daily need for independence. Our quality products are all about helping our clients to achieve a degree of independence in the daily activities within home and other daily environments.